Currently the issue of corporate venture fund formation aiming to receive profit and scientific and technical development of the organization by means of investment in perspective projects becomes actual for the large companies. At the same time when implementing a corporate venture fund project the company faces a large number of questions, both legal and operational character.
Maxim Bunyakin highlighted legal aspects of corporate venture fund incorporation and operation, inclusive of issues related to possible ways of corporate venture fund formation: by creation of commercial and non-profit organization, by use of contractual designs (contracts of simple association, prior to all).
Maxim stated the key factors influencing the choice of a way to create of fund and commented on advantages and shortcomings of various options.
Practical questions of corporate venture fund operation were considered in detail: structure of corporate management fund; ways of financing fund and its projects; main tax aspects of fund operation.
When speaking Natalya ascertained the effects from corporate venture fund incorporation for companies and commented on choosing an optimum model of corporate venture fund, including definition of its strategy and investment policy, formation of the optimum amount of financing, development of mechanisms of management with the design companies.