On March 31, 2015, at Moscow Mariott Royal Aurora Hotel the Second (II) business seminar of The Moscow Times newspaper — Doing Business with China — took place. More than 90 participants attended the event, including representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities and leading non-profit organisations, partners of large international companies, general and commercial directors, heads and managers of business development departments, and members of the media.
The event was co-organized by the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen (RASPP), sponsored by EASTEX GROUP, partners being Dentons and Orange Business Services.
The main goal of the event was delivered in its name – Doing Business with China. The leading experts presented to the business community of Moscow and Russia the current level of the Russian-Chinese business cooperation, examined common features and distinctions in the Russian and Chinese cultures, legal and personnel business conduct practices and designated the principles of making business and social contacts, building cross- cultural connections. .
The reports were made by more than 10 unique Sinologues of Russia, representatives of state authorities and business.
The conference was opened by the curator of the seminar and the moderator of the first session, Vladimir Remyga, the Chairman of Coordination council on interaction with business associations of the countries of Asia of the International congress of industrialists and businessmen (MKPP), the Doctor of Economics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Vladimir welcomed the guests and presented the speakers, passing the microphone to Vladimir Monkevich, President of the Russian-Asian Union of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RASPP) for the introductory address.
Speakers of the First ( I) session of the Doing Business with China workshop included:
Vladimir Remyga, the Chairman, Coordination council on interaction with business associations of the countries of Asia of the International congress of industrialists and businessmen (MKPP), the Doctor of Economics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Maxim Shereykin, the Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation on development of the Far East
Andrey Ostrovsky, Doctor of Economics, professor, Deputy Director, Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center of economic and social researches of China of the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexey Maslov, head of School of oriental studies of Faculty of World economy and World politics of NIU-VShE, board member of the Russian-Chinese chamber of commerce.
Mikhail Grin, the Chairman of Subcommittee on analysis of international law of the Committee on Foreign economic activity, CCI of the Russian Federation.
The following important and actual items were considered in the course of the seminar:
- Chinese business and economy characteristic
- Experience of world expansion and export of China
- Features of making business in Hong Kong
- Story of success of a Russian company in China. Major factors of success
- Priority directions of Russian-Chinese cooperation development
- New investment conditions of the Russian Far East
- Tendencies of the Russian-Chinese economic relations development. The growing role of economy of China in the world.
- Place and role of the Russian-Chinese trade and economic relations in the present conditions of pressure from the West.
- State of the Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation.
- Problems faced by the Russian companies on the Chinese market and by the Chinese companies – on the Russian.
- Lessons for the Russian business
- Prospects of the Russian-Chinese cooperation in power-engineering for small and medium business companies.
The speeches of speakers caused active discussions among participants and were followed by questions to the presidium members from the audience.
During coffee break the participants had opportunity to ask questions in person to all speakers of the session, to discuss crucial issues of developing business with China and to come into contacts with each other.
The second session devoted to practical aspects of business between Russian and Chinese partners was opened by its moderator, Margarita Fedotova, the 1st Vice-president, Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen (RASPP). Margarita ascertained items of the agenda of the second session, presented the speakers and turned it over to the first speaker. Olivier Quesson, the Commercial director of Orange Business Services, covered the topic: «Creation of effective information and communication infrastructure at an entry into the Chinese/Russian market».
After Olivier’s performance, the floor was taken by Margarita Fedotova, having told participants how to attract investments from China: stages of entry into the Russian market. Margarita lit major factors to be considered by the Chinese companies when making decisions on investments and/or cooperation.
Sarah Zeng, the managing partner of office of Dentons in Beijing, made the report on «Change of legal base for direct foreign investments to China».
Further followed the speech of Denis Shulakov, First Vice-president of Gazprombank. Dmitry presented one of the most important and hot topics: «Calculations in national currencies as a source of development of the Russian and Chinese capital markets».
Mikhail Savelyev, Commercial Director, EASTEX GROUP, finished the second session, having presented the report «China and opportunities for import substitution».
The second session took place rather briskly, as well as the first one. The audience responded with numerous questions on matters of interest laying within the agenda presented, the speakers shared their professional opinion and expertise.
The third session united in itself the practicians who were directly cooperating with representatives of the Chinese party. Maxim Bunyakin, Managing Partner of Branan Legal acted as moderator thereof. Maxim presented the participants of the discussion and designated a circle of the questions to be considered. Further Maxim asked to speak Konstantin Tyurmin, Director of the Department of the Asian markets at the Russian-Chinese center of development of trade, the CEO «Zhilong trade Co., LTD» (People’s Republic of China).
Konstantin presented the practical aspects of logistics of commodities from China in the conditions of crisis: new calls from the Chinese exporters after accession of the Crimea. He also commented on the risks arising at customs registration in China.
Mrs. Ban Zining, Commercial director, China Southern Airlines, further shared her experience of Russian-Chinese cooperation with the participants.
Alexander Zaynigabdinov, Partner of China Window Consulting Group, CEO of Beijing CW Consulting Group Limited reported on registration of trademark and protection of intellectual property rights in China.
The third session was concluded by the representatives of the Dragon Way company: Nikolay Filin, Business Development Director, and Alexander Zelentsov, Executive director. Nikolay and Alexander shared with the participants their successful experience of building business up from nothing, mentioned the problems they faced and gave the audience recommendations on how to manage such issues, should they occur.
The audience was further granted the possibility to submit queries on any items of the seminar’s agenda. The third session ended with a lively discussion among the participants and the members of the presidium.