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The key members of the team:

Maxim Bunyakin

Managing Partner

More than 20 years of experience in corporate governance, support of reorganization projects and mergers and acquisitions. Advises major public and private companies on restructuring projects, corporate governance optimization and mergers and acquisitions.

Member of the expert groups of the Bank of Russia (including on corporate governance and sustainable development), member of the Sustainable Development Committee of the Association of Independent Directors, member of the Council of the Russian Ecological Society, member of the expert council of the Best Legal Departments competition. He participates in the development of draft laws on corporate law and, in particular, on the regulation of the reorganization of business entities.

Julia Nenasheva

Partner, Head of Corporate Practice

Julia Nenasheva heads Branan Legal Corporate Practice. Julia has been practicing law for more than 15 years, of which 9 years she worked in senior positions in large Russian companies. Julia has extensive experience in the corporate law and management, she is a recognized expert in legal support to issues of securities, preparation and implementation of reorganizations, and corporate audits.

The leading international rating The Legal 500 recommended her in the area of «Corporate law and mergers and acquisitions».

Tatyana Bunyakina

Head of Real Estate Practice

Tatiana Bunyakina specializes in development, structuring, and integrated support of transactions with real estate. She has an extensive experience in supporting projects on legal support for real estate transactions and investment projects, conducing legal audit of title to real estate.

For more than 15 years, she has consulted Russian and foreign companies on a wide range of issues in real estate and construction. Before she joined Branan Legal, she worked for 15 years in one of the largest Russian law firms – the representative office of the international law firm Goltsblat BLP (formerly Pepelyaev, Goltsblat and Partners).

Dmitry Popov

Off-counsel, Head of Commercial Practice

Recognized expert in civil and antitrust law, Managing Partner Popov Law Services.

Dmitry Popov has been specializing in commercial law and compliance for more than 20 years, included in The Legal 500 rating. His experience includes working in corporations (Vice President for Legal Affairs of Renaissance Insurance, Vice President for Legal Affairs nd Compliance of ABB Corporation in Russia, Belarus and Central Asia), and in international consulting.

Sergey Serkin

Head of the Capital Markets Practice

Sergey Serkin specializes in corporate law and capital markets since 2000. He has an extensive experience in supporting issues of shares, supporting procedures for mandatory acquisition and repurchase of shares, preparing and implementing companies restructuring. For several years, he headed the branch of a registrar.